1st cycle

The choice of the practical profile of Administration Studies corresponds to modern teaching standards. Interesting program of studies, predominance of practical classes and workshops in the system of education, and excellent academic staff guarantee high quality of education. Our researchers are active practitioners: a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court, a legal advisor, an advocate, a manager of the local organizational unit and lecturers conducting trainings for entrepreneurs and officials at various levels.
The specializations available are:
- Public Administration
- Economic Administration
Public Administration refers to the part of the administration focused on the activities of the state and local government. Students of this specialization will be prepared to work in the court administration and prosecutors’ offices, public offices, local government and state organizational units (e.g. in municipal services departments, labor inspectorates, sanitary inspectorates, and many others).
The Economic Administration is for students interested in business. Students choosing this specialization will acquire skills necessary to manage administration as part of their own business, and small or medium-size private and public enterprises.