Management and Production Engineering
1st cycle

Additionally, the study program meets the requirements of many employers who are looking for managers with technical skills or engineers. The interdisciplinary nature of the course gives graduates a thorough education preparing them to work in any enterprises and public institutions, allowing to establish cooperation at all levels of management in organizations with constructors, economists, technologists and IT specialists.
Graduates of Management and Production Engineering gain the basics of statistics and operational research, both physical and chemical which allow them to understand the laws and phenomena used in the design and operation of technical devices. They acquire the knowledge of the production management and operational systems as well as the techniques and methods of designing, supervising and improving these systems. They have managerial skills and implement innovations in the professional projects. They are also prepared to work in small, medium and large enterprises.
In the first two years (4 semesters), studies are carried out according to a compulsory curriculum, and in the fifth semester students choose one of the following specializations:
- Logistics and Freight Forwarding
- Business and Quality Management