1st cycle

We began education in Nursing at our University in the academic year of 2017/2018. Completing the undergraduate program enables students to obtain a professional Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and thus to work in numerous health care institutions throughout the European Union.
Working as a nurse requires direct contact with a patient and is always connected with high responsibility. This profession belongs to a group endowed with social trust, and the scope of competences inscribed increases the intensive development of medicine.
At the University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz:
- Nursing undergraduate studies last 3 years (Bachelor’s Degree). The education program is interdisciplinary. It includes theoretical classes in medicine and nursing, as well as pedagogy, psychology, sociology, law and health promotion.
- A large part of the curriculum is practical and students are trained in various health care facilities. Before starting in-field practical classes, students learn professional skills in simulated conditions. These classes are conducted in appropriately designed and well equipped classrooms where students practice all necessary skills on phantoms.
- This educational process is derived from the need for high professionalism in of nursing and its increasing self-empowerment. Currently a the job of a nurse requires to take more and more tasks, related to diagnosis and treatment, including physical examination of the patient, diagnostic tests, writing prescriptions and operating specialist equipment.
The biggest advantages of the nursing profession include: saving and improving the comfort of human life, a certainty to get a job in the country and great opportunities to continue a career in all EU countries. This positive professional perspective results from the systematically growing demand for health services in Poland and other European Union countries, and thus an increase in the need for nurses. The main attention should be paid to the following circumstances:
- the aging process of European societies, including the Polish society, which will require increased health care for infirm and chronically ill people
- tendency to lengthen life through the use of modern achievements in biotechnology, health promotion and striving to improve the quality of life in the elderly and old age
- increased development of medical services within the private sector.
Demographic projections and health situation collides with an unfavorable economic situation of nurses in Poland. Since 2010, a systematically increasing shortage of nurses has been observed, as the number of people entering the system is much smaller than the estimated number of retirees, therefore the State University of Applied Sciences in Racibórz offers studies in the field of Nursing, with an interesting curriculum, professional workshops, professional academic teachers, and possibilities of practical training in multi-specialized medical facilities